Friday, April 25, 2008

I'm going to support a local farm this year: Community-Support Agriculture

This year, I'm going to try a Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) subscription with Whole Circle Farm in Acton.

The idea is that you pay them in advance for a share of produce from the farm for the upcoming season, and they give you a weekly basket of whatever vegetables are in season that week. You can either pick up your box from the farm, or they will bring it to the Georgetown Farmers Market. The farm is not so far away that it wouldn't be reachable by bike.

It will be somewhat of a mystery as to what I will get, although there are realities of the growing season involved -- certain vegetables come into season at certain times.

They have a "half share" for single people like me. It's supposed to be suitable for one person. $230-245 per season, depending on whether you pick it up from.

I am looking forward to the unpredictability of what I'll end up with. It will guarantee a diverse diet, at least for the summer months.

Also, I am now armed with the Victory Garden Cookbook, which I expect will assist in figuring out what to do with some of the more esoteric vegetables.

I am far too excited about this.

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